Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Slept in Seattle

I’m home and with any luck, I’ll be caught up on my housework by Halloween. It’s amazing how much laundry can accumulate in four days. Yowzers, let’s hope the ole Kenmore holds it together.

Dark and early Saturday morning, Brandon and the kids dropped me off at the airport so I could catch a flight to Seattle. The day before, Meredith asked how I’d be getting to the airport and I told her they were going to take me. It didn’t occur to her Brandon would be home and she said, “Oh. Do I have to do the steering wheel?!”

Brandon had soccer duty and I was relieved to hear I didn’t miss Alex’s first goal.

I got into Seattle around noon and my friend Michelle, whom my mom calls “Peaches and Cream,” picked up me and our friend Sarah. It was a rainy day in Seattle, which doesn’t sound surprising, but every time I’ve gone to visit, it’s been gorgeous! We grabbed some Mexican and went back to Michelle’s house to get ready to eat again.
Michelle is the hostess extraordinaire. (Is that right? Spell check says it’s right. I think spell check gave up.) Michelle whipped up quiche, Caesar salad and a caramel apple cheesecake. That’s right; I consumed all my WW points for the week in one day. Our friends Jeannine and Joe, and their pug Cheech, came over for dinner. *All these people are friends from college and even though I don’t get to see them all that often, we always pick up right where we left off, except we’re no longer wearing flannel pants and Sigma Kappa sweatshirts. Oh, and Cheech didn’t go to Bradley.
They came over so we could finalize our plans for our winery tour. I thought it was going to be a winery tour, but it was really more of a tasting room tour, which was fine by me! It was really fun and Jeannine and Joe know a lot more about wine than I do. I’m sure they cringed while I purchased several bottles of wine too sweet for regular consumption to bring home.

Monday we spent the day hanging out with Michelle and just spending time as old friends. We pulled out all kinds of scrapbooks this weekend. I would like to know why there were no stylists when I was in school. Not that I could have afforded to hire one, but looking back at pictures, it would have been worth every penny.

Tuesday morning Sarah and I flew home. I grabbed a book to read on my way home. I finished my library book on the way there, and I found one for $5 in the clearance section. When I paid, it was only $1.24. I felt really cheap and even cheaper when I got to the portion of the book that I was embarrassed to have my seat mate see. It isn’t a romance novel, so I wasn’t expecting it.

I was so glad to get home to see the kids. They were very excited to see me and I never realize just how much I’ve missed them until they crawl into my lap or make me laugh. I’m excited to see Brandon too, but it’ll have to wait until Thursday. If the kids can hold it together, behavior wise, Brandon has a big surprise weekend planned for them. Brandon is proof you can be a good dad even if you live out of a suitcase.

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