Monday, June 16, 2008

Day Camp

Today was Alex’s first day of Pioneer Camp. (That link is actually a cute little video that shows a clip of the camp, if you're interested. ) He’s spent waaaaaay too much time baking brownies with me lately, so this is our attempt at helping him man up. I dropped him off coated in sunscreen and bug spray, with a lunch and water bottle, so it’s not like it’s survival camp or anything. He’s also in the same group as his buddy Joe. It’s a long day, (8:30-3:30), and he was tired when we picked him up, but did manage to tell me they shot bows and arrows. Brandon will find that much more acceptable than helping Meredith into her dress up outfits.

Meredith and I did a little cleaning and organizing and then I took her out for lunch. She ate practically nothing, but did ask if we could go shopping after lunch. We walked down to a children’s store that happens to be going out of business. She wanted every outfit she stumbled across and we had to have a talk about spending limits three times. Don’t worry Brandon, I put my foot down after two…which were a great deal…almost free in fact. After that, Meredith wanted to visit her friend Miss Barbara. Meredith doesn’t seem to notice one of her best friends is a few decades older than her. Miss Barbara has lipsticks in every color and that’s a quality Meredith looks for in a friend.

We picked up Alex from camp and headed for the pool. I knew the kids would both be grouchy and the evening hours would pass much faster in the pool. It’s the same quandary I often have, too late for a nap and too early for bed. When I run into this situation, I usually fill it with outdoor activity. The whining is less intense when we’re in a wide open space.

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