Monday, June 2, 2008

Weekend Update

I wish I could tell you this weekend was lots of fun, but for the most part it was just a lot of work. Honestly, I didn’t do much, but I’m surprised Brandon has fingers left. The poor guy worked like a maniac the majority of the weekend. I performed my usual supervisory role. Not that I didn’t want to help, it just wasn’t practical. Honestly.

After Alex’s soccer game we stopped by Jill and Scott’s to pick up a few things and they invited us to stay for lunch. It didn’t take much arm twisting and the kids had fun running off some energy.

Brandon and Alex made a trip back to the nursery. They were supposed to be choosing a replacement for our tree that bit the dust, but they bought enough stuff that it required two van trips. Brandon planted ten bushes of significant size in under two hours. They look beautiful and our backyard is starting to look like one. I just don’t want to see our Visa bill.

On Sunday “we” helped the Campbells move. Joel and Megan helped us move and we moved in January... in the bitter cold. So, we owed them one. They are building a new house, and it won’t be ready for another five weeks. So, they are putting their things in storage.
I wasn’t of much use aside from loading the couch cushions and trying to keep our kids out of the U-Haul. It wasn't for lack of offering. I think they just wanted me out of the way. I did manage to get a spectacular sunburn, which will please my new dermatologist to no end. Brandon finally made it home around 7:00. At which time the kids and I begged him to grill salmon. I felt incredibly guilty, but I’ll bet it’s nice to feel needed.

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