Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alex's Excederin Day

Alex rarely wakes up not feeling well, but today was his day, at least for a couple of hours. As soon as I stepped out of the shower, Alex told me he had a headache. I don’t remember him ever complaining of a headache before, so I was inclined to believe it.

I was supposed to host our Mom’s in Touch group this morning, and as soon as I made the phone calls to warn everyone that Alex was home from school with a headache, they all promptly cancelled. Every one is a little paranoid about the flu right now, and who can blame them?! Problem was a dozen fresh-out-of –the-oven, homemade chocolate chip muffins stared at me from the cooling racks. I should have run them down the garbage disposal while I still had the chance.

Oddly enough, by the time the heating guy came to clean the furnaces; Alex popped out of bed like a piece of toast and felt completely fine. Well enough to hit golf balls in the basement while the man oiled gears and changed filters. I explained to Alex that if you choose to stay home from school, you choose to spend the day in bed. I must have escorted him back to bed 100 times. I finally gave him every portable, non-messy art supply I could think of and that kept him entertained for awhile. While confined, he drew this. I promised him I would take a picture of it for Dad, and Meredith beat me to it.
Meredith was really bored and sulked most of the morning. To her, if Alex is home, they should be playing together. I finally let her watch back to back episodes of Super Why and I don’t think she could have zoned out anymore.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm glad Alex wasn't really sick. :) And the muffins sound divine! Yum!!

Is her chair from Pottery Barn? How do you like it? I am considering ordering one for Bo.