Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello Kitty, Good-Bye crib

I'm wearing pajamas...it's 6:30 p.m. My nails are sparkly, and my lips taste like stale bubblegum. All selected for me by my stylist...

I think she's mocking me.

Once again, we were supposed to have a measurable amount of snow last night, but instead we just have roads that are difficult to drive on, and gray slush clinging to the van I'm very glad I didn't wash yesterday.

Meredith had her day with Grandpa and Grandma today, and if you can believe this, was most excited to go over and take a nap. They finally pulled her out of their crib and switched her to a big girl bed. (I think they were clinging to the hope there might be a reason to leave up the crib.) They covered the bed in Hello Kitty bedding, and Meredith was insanely excited. I'm just excited she gets to live out her fantasy of having a Hello Kitty bed in someone else's home.

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